Dračí princ II.
Zvykol som si pozrieť sa občas na www.amazon.com, pozrel som sa preto aj na Dračieho Princa, nech si zistím, do akej miery sa môj názor zhodol s vkusom amerických konzumentov. A hľa, nevychádzal som z údivu...
Drači princ II |
Autor | Melanie Rawn | |
Zvykol som si pozrieť sa občas na www.amazon.com, pozrel som sa preto aj na Dračieho Princa, nech si zistím, do akej miery sa môj názor zhodol s vkusom amerických konzumentov. A hľa, nevychádzal som z údivu...
"It is a great book for all fantasy novel readers. The characters are so real you can almost see them standing next to you. The whole series is great, but this is a definite must read!"
Mike Danley
"Dragon Prince is a great book! I love fantasy, and this is a wonderful fantasy story! The character development was wonderful and I can't wait to read her other books in this series! The only problem that I had with this book was that it went just a little slow for my taste...but it was great nonetheless! As Anne McCaffrey proclaims, "...Melanie Rawn is good!""
"i read this book in the Summer Holidays and spent the rest of it pretty much reading the rest of the series. Fantasy is called fantasy for exactly that reason: it's not real! Hence you can't expect the characters to act in ways that you would yourself, at best, it's a reflection. I loved the dream-like, lyrical language used in the novel and i also loved the lavish descriptions of characters and setting. I loved the idea of Sunrunners vs. Sorcerers and the romantic aspect of the novel was both poignant and uplifting at times. Being Ms. Rawn's first novel, it is not her best, but amazingly, it is still incredibly absorbing and well-written! FIVE STARS!"
Australian Reader (dúfam, že žena, inak to fakt nechápem)
"Melanie Rawn, I can't but help give props to you on your Dragon Prince and Star Scroll Series. They are some of the most awesome books that I have had the opportunity to read. The only thing I have to say in the negative is the quality of editors that Ms Rawn has to look over her books. There are many times throughout the book Chaynal is called by a nick name of Chay, but 1 in about every 10 time he is called Clay. A definite typo that tend to be irritating. Also the wording in many areas are not up to par and make you have to sit and think what they were actually trying to say. One specific time is at the Rialla right after Meath felled the Merida assassin Rohan says to Meath "I wasn't aware that Lady Andrade allowed he Sunrunner to walk around the holes in there clothing." So unless the Sunrunners have some tradition of walking around holes in there clothing, I believe this sentence is supposed to be "Walk around WITH holes in there clothing." Small mistakes like this make the book frustrating enough to want to write a review as negative as this. I am sorry, the book is completely awesome, I could read it 1000 times, I only hope that the grammar and typos are not frequent in your other books."
Frequent Reader, Isaac Ross
Noo, zdá sa, že nemám šancu prežiť v americkej komunite čitateľov fantasy. Pritom - najviac ma zarazilo, že pisateľmi pochvalných komentárov boli prevažne muži - ja už skutočne neviem, čo si mám o Amerike mysieť...
P.S.: Takýchto pochvalných komentárov je na Amazone 97 a Dračí princ dostal 4 hviezdičky z piatich.
Marbh Maidin
viac článkov autora
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