18.09.2012 10:15, Blade, Komentárov: 0

Achievementy Assassin´s Creedu 3 nechtiac zverejnené
Warning - mega spoilery!
Na internet nám pred krátkou chvíľkou unikol zoznam všetkých trofejí netrpezlivo očakávanej jesennej pecky Assassin´s Creed 3, ktorý -ako už asi tušíte- obsahuje toľko spoilerov, že pokiaľ si nechcete skaziť pôžitok z hry, odporúčame vám doň nenahliadnuť. Vy ostatní, ktorým nejaký ten hint ohľadom príbehu nevadí, si ale pokojne nasledujúce achievementy preštudujte.
- Rude Awakening - Re-Enter the Animus - (10 Points)
- [SECRET] Daddy Dearest - Complete Present - Stadium - (20 Points)
- [SECRET] Criss Cross - Complete Present - Skyscraper - (20 Points)
- [SECRET] The End is Nigh - Complete Present - Abstergo - (20 Points)
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - Open the Temple Door and learn Desmond's fate - (20 Points)
- Mystery Guest - Complete Sequence 1 & 2 - (20 Points)
- How D'ya Like Them Apples - Complete Sequence 3 - (20 Points)
- Heroes are Born - Complete Sequence 4 - (20 Points)
- The Day the Templars Cried - Complete Sequence 5 - (20 Points)
- Tea is for Englishmen - Complete Sequence 6 - (20 Points)
- The Whites of Their Eyes - Complete Sequence 7 - (20 Points)
- Caged Wolf - Complete Sequence 8 - (20 Points)
- Two if by Sea - Complete Sequence 9 - (20 Points)
- Grim Expectations - Complete Sequence 10 - (20 Points)
- Difficult End - Complete Sequence 11 - (20 Points)
- The Sum of Truth - Complete Sequence 12 (50 Points)
- Perfectionist - Complete 100% of all main mission constraints - (50 Points)
- An Extraordinary Man - Complete the Encyclopedia of the Common Man - (10 Points)
- Patent Not Pending - Craft one of Franklin's inventions to decorate your Manor - (10 Points)
- House Party - Recruit any of the Artisans and see them settled on the Homestead - (10 Points)
- A Complete Set - See all the optional characters settled at the Homestead - (20 Points)
- Original Gamer - Win a game of Fanorona, Morris and Bowls on the Homestead - (20 Points)
- Bring Down the House - Explore Fort Wolcott - (20 Points)
- Kidd Gloves - Uncover the mystery of Oak Island - (30 Points)
- All Washed Up - Complete all Naval Missions aboard the Aquila - (40 Points)
- Entrepreneur, not Pirate! - Complete all 12 Privateer Contracts - (20 Points)
- Tumblehome - Upgrade the Aquila - (10 Points)
- By Invitation Only - Be invited to join a Club - (20 Points)
- In Good Standing - Complete all challenges for any of the Clubs - (30 Points)
- Man of the People - Liberate all districts in Boston OR New York - (20 Points)
- Monopoly Man - Send a convoy to Boston, New York and the Frontier - (10 Points)
- [SECRET] Head in the Cloud - Find all pivots and sync the Animus to the Cloud - (20 Points)
- Blowing in the Wind - Retrieve every page for one of Ben Franklin's Almanacs - (20 Points)
- Completionist - Complete ALL progress tracker grid entries - (50 Points)
- Multitasking - Complete 50% of the Progress Tracker entries - (20 Points)
- Spit Roast - Perform a double assassination using a musket - (20 Points)
- Circus Act - Kill 15 guards with a single cannon shot - (10 Points)
- Predator - Hang 5 enemies by using rope darts - (10 Points)
- Prince of Thieves - Loot a convoy without killing any of its guards - (10 Points)
- Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye! - Block a firing line 5 times by using a human shield - (10 Points)
- Jager Bomb - After becoming fully Notorious, kill 10 Jagers before losing your notoriety - (20 Points)
- Magna cum Laude - Have a Trainee reach the Assassin Rank - (20 Points)
- Coureur des Bois - Exchange undamaged pelts at all different general stores - (10 Points)
- Eye Witness - Witness a predator killing an enemy - (10 Points)
- Fin - Complete each of the epilogue missions unlocked after the credits roll - (30 Points)
- Abstergo Entertainment - Reach level 20 in the multiplayer mode - (10 Points)
- Hunter/Killer - Reach sequence 10 in a map on Wolfpack multiplayer mode - (20 Points)
- Winning Team - Be on the winning team at the end of a multiplayer game session - (20 Points)
- Personalized - Customize your multiplayer Profile and Character - (10 Points)
- The Truth Will Out - Unlock a hacked version of one of the Abstergo videos in the story quest - (20 Points)
Zdroj: IGN
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